NARRATIVE COPY A type of body copy that tells a story. It sets up a problem and then creates a solution using the particular benefits of the product or service as the key to the solution.
NATIONAL ADVERTISING Advertising of any trademark product which potentially could be sold by dealers throughout the nation.
NATIONAL ADVERTISING RATES Rates for newspaper space charged to a national advertiser as distinguished from local rates applying to local retailers. National advertising rates are generally higher than local rates.
NATIONAL MEDIA Media that are national in scope.
NATIONAL PLAN A media plan that is national in scope, as opposed to a local plan conversing less than the entire country.
NATIONAL RATING A rating of all households or individuals tuned in to a program on a national base. Sometimes the base is all television or radio households in the country. Other times, the base is only those households than can tune in to the program because they are in the signal area of a station carrying the program.
NCR or NCIR No Change in Rate. Used when some other format or specification change has ocurred.
NEGATIVE Photographic film with image reversed (mirror-wise, left for right, type matter reading backward) and black for white, white for black, source of the positive, final picture.
NEGATIVE LEADING Type set with less space from baseline to baseline than the size of the type of itself-useful for special effects.
NET The amount paid to the advertising medium by the advertising agency after deducting the agency commission.
NET CONTROLLED CIRCULATION The number of purchased and unpurchased copies of a controlled-circulation publication that are actually distributed to its intended readership.
NET PAID CIRCULATION Classification of audit consisting of average number of mail subscriptions paid by purchasers and not for resale (with arrears included or not as publisher elects) plus net single copy sales.
NET PLUS The nest cost of a print ad, commercial, or program with an earned discount added on.
NET RESPONSE The total number of subscription orders from a given promotion that are actually paid for or qualified, expressed as a percentage. (Also see "Gross Response.")
NET SINGLE COPY SALE Sale of a publication through any retail outlet, including newsstands but excluding mail, with the returns deducted.
NET UNDUPLICATED AUDIENCE The combined cumulative audience for a single issue of a group of magazines or broadcasts.
NETWORK Two or more stations contractually united to broadcast programs, e.g., network programs.
NETWORK AFFILIATE A broadcast station that is part of a network and therefore offers network programs.
NETWORK COOPERATIVE PROGRAM A network program with provisions for inserting local commercials (see Cooperative program).
NETWORK FRANCHISE A brand's right to retain the sponsorship of a program at the sponsoring brand's discretion. This right is acquired by agreeing to sponsor a program on a cointinuing basis.
NETWORK IDENTIFICATION Acknowledgment of a network affiliation at the end of a network broadcast.
NETWORK OPTION TIME Time on network affiliates for which the network has selling priority. Also called network time.
NEW BUSINESS New subscriptions (as opposed to renewals).
NEWSHOLE Amount of space available.
NEWSPAPER DISTRIBUTED MAGAZINE A supplement inserted into a Sunday newspaper.
NEWSPAPER SYNDICATE A business concern that sells special material (columns, photographs, comic strips) for simultaneous publication in a number of newspapers.
NEWSSTAND CIRCULATION Copies of publications which are purchased at outlets selling copies. May include hotels, vending machines, newsboys, drug stores, and supermarkets in addition to the traditional newsstand or kiosk.
NEWSSTAND SALES An alternate term for single-copy sales (see definition).
NEXT TO READING MATTER A print advertising position adjacent to news or editorial material; may be at premium rates.
NIELSEN The A.C. Nielsen Company is the world's largest research company, with worldwide operations. It operates a wide variety of syndicated services: NTI-a national television rating service using people meters to collect set-tuning data; Food & Drug Index-a service collecting information on retail sales movement by means of store audits; NMS-a service collecting audience data by personal interview and diaries for television programs, publications (magazines and newspapers); NSI-a local television rating service. Nielsen is a division of Dun & Broadstreet.
NIELSEN CLEARING HOUSE (NCH) A company that handles the administrative work associated with processing coupons.
NIELSEN COVERAGE SERVICE (NCS) This provides broadcast station coverage and circulation information rather than program audience measurements. The data are reported for each station in terms of total daytime and total evening audiences over the span of the day, week, and month, on a county-by-county basis.
NIELSEN MARKET SECTION RATING A Nielsen report on television ratings by zone breakdowns. The rating breakdowns are: Territory; County-size Groups; Age of Housewife; Age of Household Head; Size of Family; Time Zone.
NIELSEN RATING TV program rating that uses set-tuning data from Audimeters. The Nielsen rating is used to refer to households who have viewed a program five or more minutes. This audience definition is to the average audience, which is the audience of the average minute of a program.
NIELSEN STATION INDEX (NSI) A rating service for individual television stations.
NIELSEN TELEVISION INDEX (NTI) A national television rating service, primarily for network programming.
NON-QUALIFIED DISTRIBUTION That circulation which doesn't conform to the field served and definition of recipient qualification.
NON-SUBSCRIBING DONOR A person who gives a subscripiton but does not order his or her own subscription at the same time (including a subscriber with a different expiration date than the gift recipient).
NONSTORE RETAILERS Nonstore retailers include: Mail Order Houses, Merchandise Vending Operators, and Direct ( house-to-house) Selling Organizations.
NOTED The basic measure of the Starch method for testing print ads. The Noted Score represents the percentage of respondents (claimed readers of the issue) who say they saw the ad when they first read or looked into the magazine issue, i.e., claimed recognition of the ad.
NRS FIGURES National Readership Survey. Its objective is to provide the common currency of readership research data for newspapers and magazines, using methodology acceptable to both publishers of print media and the buyers of space, to the highest standard in a way that is cost effective and sufficiently flexible to take account of change and the needs of users.