$CFG->wwwroot = 'http://www.gmnindia.net'; Welcome to Global Media Network - The Global Media Representation
Global Media Network (GMN) is one of the top three international media representation companies in India. It represents some of the leading international media groups and markets their publications for the Indian market.

GMN is the one-stop shop for total international advertising in India, interlinking major international publishing companies with the top advertising agencies, media buying companies and clients, in India and neighbouring countries.

GMN represents major international publishing companies from all over the world including Tribune Company, Gannett Company, USA; News Limited, Australia; Asian Integrated Media Ltd., Hong Kong; Reed Business Information, USA, UK, Netherlands, Australia & Asia Pacific; IQ Media Marketing; wdv Gesellschaft für Medien & Kommunikation mbH & Co., Hubert Burda Group; Jahreszeiten Verlag GmbH, Germany; The National Magazine Company, Travel Channel International Ltd.; Orange Advertising Network, UK; RCS Media Group, Italy; La Tribune SAS; Le Point Communication; IMM Inflight Media, France; Independent Media Sanoma Magazines, Russia and lots more.

GMN operates as an extension of the marketing office of the publishers and caters to top advertising agencies, media buying companies and clients. It is rapidly expanding its presence all over India with marketing offices across all major metropolitans in India viz. Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai and Hyderabad.

GMN has representatives in neighbouring countries including Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh as well. International media owners can fully access the Indian sub-continent through GMN.

If you want Global Media Network as your media partner for India, you may contact in confidence:

Vimal Anand
Director – International Marketing, Global Media Network

Email : vimal@gmnindia.com
Direct :+91-124-4932020 *(Extension Number: 101)
Mobile : +91-98-100-71000